Thursday, January 26, 2023

GrS 38:6:1: Hoth-tile environment

Word is going around that Vader has finally tracked down the location of Luke Skywalker, almost 3 years after the Death Star was destroyed. He, and the bulk of the Rebel forces, are camped out on the sixth planet of the Hoth system, a world comprised entirely of snow and ice.

What is with this Skywalker family and their fascination with single-biome planets? Is it because Vader was born on Tatooine (a total desert planet)? And then the big fight on Mustafar (a lava planet). And then he spent years on Coruscant (the "city" planet).

Or maybe it's just a Jedi thing. They only like single-biome places. Hah. Wouldn't it be funny if we could find all the remaining hidden Jedi (if any) by simply exploring all the single-biome planets in the galaxy? Let's see what's first in the database... huh, Dagobah. Swamp planet. Never heard of it. What's next? Endor's forest moon. Huh.

Now, to be fair, it's not just the Jedi. We Separatists are guilty of it too. Look at Geonosis--full desert.

Actually, it's everywhere. Look at Kashyyyk, the Wookiee planet. All trees. Or Kamino. All ocean.

That's odd actually. Almost all the major planets I've written about in this journal have been involved in major world events and they're almost ALL single biome, except maybe Naboo. That's odd. Do the mysterious forces that drive the galaxy just not like variety? It's almost like the creators of the universe couldn't be bothered to invent brilliant diverse planets and just opted for one-planet, one-biome. Hah. Laziness on the part of the creator. That's an amusing thought!

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